Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10,000% of Your Daily Awesome.

I achieved my first goal today - I'm in the 170s!

Stepped on the scale this morning to see 179.6 staring me in the face. I could not be more excited.

My next goal, you ask?

175 lbs.

My diet consists of:

Many, varied veggies (raw broccoli, zucchini, squash, bell peppers, romaine lettuce, carrots, celery, etc.)

Sweet potatoes (they get their own category, because I love them and they have a bunch of good stuff and make you feel good about yourself when you eat them - true story)

Fruit (in moderation!)

Meat (chicken, turkey, and the occasional red meat)

And I am munching ALL day. That is a beauty and glory of the Paleo lifestyle.

My work out consists of:

A trainer three times a week to pretty much destroy me.

Yoga whenever I get a moment.

Meditation to bring it all to center.

A speedy walk outside as often as weather allows.

One of the more surprising things is how sustainable this feels to me. When I get hungry , I drink a bunch of water and eat some chicken and a whole zucchini or something. Tell me in what "diet" they encourage you to eat a whole *anything*?? It's always about portion control and only have "one bite" if you can't help yourself. (One bite. Pifft. Right.)

Story: Preparing our dove poppers (dove breast, jalapeno, cream cheese, and bacon), I found myself compelled out of habit to lick my fingers after messing with the cream cheese. It was funny to me. I brought my thumb up, laid it on my tongue, tasted the creamy-creamy-cream cheese and FROZE.

I don't WANT to eat this!!!

Immediately, I went to the sink and rinsed my fingers off. With nothing there, I had no desire to lick my fingers. HOW INTERESTING. I prepared the rest of the dove poppers, rinsing my fingers off after almost every single one, so I would have no reason to lick them in the downtime. /proudmoment

It doesn't seem to be the food so much as the habit-breaking challenge.

My yoga teaching certification starts in four days. I'm going to attend the Yoga Institute of Houston and receive instruction from Lex Gillam, one of the best practitioners in the biz.

It's a beautiful day outside. I'm going to stock up on vitamin D and revel in the confidence I feel to keep going.

179.6! It's a been a while since I've seen a number like that. I feel the need for fireworks.

Stay present in yourself.

Namaste, everybeast. <3


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